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OnlineUniversityEmp1 karma

The articles you provided are directed towards Schools in this sector who are clearly in the wrong. There's always a bad seed in any industry, what you need to get through your thick skull is that not every School operates like that. There's a lawsuit against Microsoft, does that mean every software maker is evil? No, didn't think so.

your wasted position

This made me giggle. Really? Business Analysts are a "wasted position"? Not sure what sector you're familiar with, but do a search on monster for that job title and tell me it's a wasted position. Tons of top companies have Business Analyst positions open right now, including Space X, Google, etc. So god forbid something happen to my School, I can easily go somewhere else with my skills and accomplishments in this capacity.

you can't confirm that online schools employ their graduates

I can't prove it to you, but I can confirm that we do in fact hire graduates for the very simple fact that we hired someone on my team who graduated from our school.

So please, continue to entertain me with your "I think I know more than I actually do" attitude. You're making yourself look silly.

Your posts are of the quality I'd expect from someone employed by an online school.

What do you mean by that exactly? Mind me asking what exactly you do for a living? Look, this is an alt account, my other account you'd see I'm quite the typically 30 year old technology lover/geek with a nice social life and modest attitude. I make a fairly great living in my position that allows me to do everything I'd like to do in life.

Not sure what that comment was insinuating, but you really don't know what you're talking about.

OnlineUniversityEmp1 karma

Going through your history and you definitely seem like the loser. I can see that by your posts. What a sad life you live. Go make some friends and get off Reddit.

OnlineUniversityEmp0 karma

I too work for Kaplan, though in the administrative offices, not as an instructor.

I understand where OP is coming from, however calling it a "diploma factory" is disheartening.

A true diploma mill/factory is where you pay money and a couple weeks later your degree is shipped. Kaplan students are in fact working legitimately for ~3 years to earn their degree.

Yes - the cirriculum is dumbed down, but I had some incredible instructors who were amazing at what they did, and others who didnt teach at all really as they were just interested in the paycheck.

I just hope OP continues to focus on those students who are there to really learn.

OnlineUniversityEmp0 karma

Show me where they won't hire their own graduates, because I khow for a fact they do. Nice try though. Making up facts must be fun for you. Maybe it's a "military" thing. Sad.

OnlineUniversityEmp-2 karma

Understood. But FWIW, Ive seen the students getting dismissed first hand due to plagiarism or other policy breakers. Trust me, its not completely illegitimate.

Without goung into specifics, Ive worked with the Registrar and Deans and see the work they put in to separate themselves from the other for-profit institutions that too have made the scandals.

We even won praise by senator Harkin - the biggest opponent for for-profit colleges.

Kaplan really does try to standout as being one of the better, legitimate learning institutions, though its hard just because of the negative light constantly being shined on them and the others.

Best of luck to you though. Hang in there, you do have students who care :)

In fact, you can watch the graduation ceremony live today as it happens. Some walking across the stage perhaps don't give a damn or didnt put much effort, but others there with tears in their eyes have worked their asses off to earn that degree they may have never been able to achieve otherwise due to whatever circumstances.