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OniTan446 karma

I remember reading a story posted on r/truereddit , where someone asked a former stalker to describe why they did what they did. It's sadly been deleted now, so I'll try to recount it from memory.

A girl (who I'll call Courtney) wrote of her experience when she was stalking another girl (who I'll call Jane) who she worked with. They used to talk in the mornings before work and on breaks, and Courtney became enamored with Jane's personality and the things she talked about. She thought Jane was so cool and she half wanted to be with her and half wanted to be her. She was invited over to dinner at Jane's house one night with some other coworkers and she took this as an invitation that their relationship was more than coworkers, maybe like close friends.

Courtney then guessed Jane's password and hacked into her email and read all her correspondences, and even figured out where Jane would be so she could conveniently show up to the same places and "bump into her" there. At this point Jane started withdrawing from Courtney because she felt she was getting too close and stopped talking to her. Courtney recounts being devastated over reading in Jane's email to another one of her friends that she thought Courtney was creepy, and one of their other coworkers had to tell her to stop trying to contact Jane because Jane felt unsafe. Courtney's brother also told her that her obsession was messing up her life.

Courtney eventually did stop being obsessed with Jane after taking some time to herself for a while to get over her infatuation, and in retrospect thinks that she was overcome by emotion over her sexual/intellectual attraction to Jane which made her act irrationally. A good read.

OniTan173 karma

I have a suspicion that she's Zuko's baby mamma.

OniTan101 karma

Is she? I recall from the comics that they barely spoke and didn't really act like a couple the last time they saw each other.

Meanwhile, she seemed really concerned with Zuko a few times and went out of her way to help him. Super good employee, or crush on her boss?

The only other possibility is Mei, but she broke up with him and they never got back together.

OniTan88 karma

Why did the girl's parents sue you? Did they win?

OniTan74 karma

How were you involved in her suicide?