Highest Rated Comments

OmniBlock1240 karma

Brendon I was a huge fan of Home Movies.

How much if any was based on your own experiences growing up? I felt like Coach McGuirk was too real for just being a cartoon lol.

OmniBlock89 karma

Thank you for responding. You're one of the few celebrities I take time to follow the work of.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

OmniBlock7 karma

The advertising payment was received for her new project. What project? No clue because I haven't looked at her responses yet but I know what this sub really is. I bet she works it into her answers numerous times though.

So it is verified as far as the mods are actually concerned. The pic/proof included in OP's comment isn't for the mods it's for users to feel like this is some organic interaction with fans.

It's just advertising.