Highest Rated Comments

Ok-Location-60332 karma


  1. when is dashlane passkeys available?
  2. can you import/export passkeys into dashlane from apple or android devices or other apps that have setup the passkey.
  3. when do you expect the majority of websites to support passkeys
  4. will they also be used to login to mobile apps?
  5. how can passkeys be tied in with hardware tokens like ubikey while still being portable?
  6. why did you guys stop supporting ubikey and other MFA hardware keys? is that coming back?
  7. can users have both regular login/passwords and passkeys for a site? and if so doesn't that defeat the security of passkeys?
  8. how can a user recover access to a site if the passkey is lost or doesn't work, are there any backup codes or recovery methods?

Ok-Location-60331 karma

Just noting here, nope, not a Dashlane amployee, just a techie dashlane user that had lots of questions for them, the AMA was a good way to get it answered, so I typed them all earlier and posted it. No worries, either way, glad they were able to answer.

Ok-Location-6033-3 karma


  1. I was actually looking to see if it is possible to have the passkey in dashlane but then require the ubikey to validate access to the passkey as well (vs. storing passkeys on the ubikey itself). so they stay portable but also have the hardware security as well.

7 and 8 ?