Highest Rated Comments

Ok-Echidna38225 karma

The rain forest has been a major source for new medicines over centuries. With the destruction of these wild areas where millions of species, from microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, plants and insects, to anmials, comp1ete and therefore evolve to prevent or "cure" each other's pressure, not only are we getting closer to germs that would have never reached humans without unbridled expansion of our species, aren't we making impossible to eventually find the remedies that kept these diseases from wiping out organisms who used to live in isolation?

Ok-Echidna38223 karma

These grants are just barely enough to run a systematic literature review, let alone organize field data collection. This shows the power of companies benefitting from deforestation in Brazil and how they influence policitians and institutions to invest in research that may limit their activities. Thank you for the references, will check them out. Also, thank you for your work which I consider true public service.