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OhBella_416 karma

We try to brainstorm ideas with them on how they can cope with their loneliness in a way that seems fitting for them and encourage them to call us back if they need to.

Thankyou for all you do!

Can you give examples of the ideas you brainstorm to help people cope with their loneliness? It can be hard to connect with people when they are low with actual practical assistance.

I would be very interested to understand the process of that brainstorming and how you draw people in a way that they feel comfortable to share.

OhBella_411 karma

I wanted to show her women can make it alone in this word.

So far, I haven’t managed.

You are showing her you can make it alone in the world. Maybe not easily. I don't know you, but if you left an abusive situation then you are brave and you are a fighter.

And you are teaching her that your safety is worth more than anything.