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OctaVariuM8741 karma

This is a suave way of saying Tom Brady.

OctaVariuM8153 karma

Yeah, if I recall correctly it was entirely happenstance and not something they did intentionally, so it makes sense they changed it.

OctaVariuM855 karma

I know that the general virtue is an all or nothing approach, but you shouldn't be too upset over your two moments of weakness. Hell, it has been almost four years of sobriety! Turn that frown upside down friend, and be proud of you and your accomplishment.

OctaVariuM852 karma

FIFO, first in first out. It's a common restaurant practice so it makes sense that a large company like Subway would ask its chain managers to adhere to the practice.

OctaVariuM845 karma

It's not quite the same, but if you haven't checked it out Roundguard is a pretty fun time if you're into Peggle-style games. It's got some roguelike elements that help it feel fresh with new abilities, characters, and challenges.