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OB1_Shinobi113 karma

This is not a question, but it’s something you need to know. When I describe your work to anyone, it can be summed up in one word: deliberate. Whether or not you painstakingly choose each word and calculate for hours on how to best arrange each syllable of the sentence, it feels as if every single statement has intent. I’m not sure if that is something that you have to work hard on, or if it just comes out that way, but that’s how it comes across.

I often find myself reading lines out loud because they sound so completely bad ass that I need to hear them.

I would happily read your writing if it were about a tea party or the proper way to separate laundry. It’s just a bonus that your subject tends to be the love, feel, and joy of performing music, kick ass fighting moves, and two completely different magic systems that could stand by themselves. It’s like you took everything that I secretly wanted in my heart and put it to paper just so I could enjoy it!

I want to thank you for the hours of entertainment. Because of your writing, I have laughed awkwardly in public places, cried (just a little) during breaks at work, and stayed up way past my bedtime just marveling at the world that you dreamed up. Of course everyone is going to be chomping at the bit to read your next book, but feel free to take as long as you want. We aren’t going anywhere.

OB1_Shinobi7 karma

Holy shit! I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. I'm going to go cry now.