Highest Rated Comments

Nushens157 karma

I'm a bit late to the party but I've read through (most) of your responses. You seem like you're true to the club and the life style but at the same time have the wisdom to realize it's not the best of choices.

So how do you/did you feel about family members joining a club? Would you embrace your grandson joining or suggest he try a "normal" life?

Also how were you introduced to Reddit?

Lastly - you mention that you headed in the direction of the club life due to your lower reading and schooling ability at the time but now your responses seem well formated and thought out so I'm curious how the club life taught you these skills.

Nushens34 karma

One guy came back with his "main" and gave me the same treatment. Overall, fantastic game.

All I could think of when I read this

Nushens3 karma

I'd like to extend an invitation to have you join us at /r/SCP and http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/. I'd love to see the work you could contribute you.

Nushens2 karma

having everything controlled from the touchscreen

I always assumed this was a cool idea but terrible in practice. The lack of tactile response would force me to have to stare at the screen instead of the road just for basic task. Do you feel it's been safely implemented into your driving habits?