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NumberMuncher832 karma

Did you research any real serial killers for the role of Dr. Thredson in American Horror Story?

Asylum was my favorite season because much of the horror is from humanity an not supernatural.

NumberMuncher11 karma

J-Pop America Fun Time Now is one of my favorite recurring sketches. Has that sketch been retired since Sudeikis left?

NumberMuncher9 karma

Hazelnut mocha, trying this one out next time.

NumberMuncher6 karma

Is there a rule of thumb for how often to get a sweep? I've owned my home for three years and use the fireplace a few times a week in the winter. I've never had it swept. Is there a time bomb in my wall?

NumberMuncher5 karma

Can you elaborate on "what not to say and do." I imagine there are liability issues here. What are the no-no's.