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NothappyJane447 karma

My husband hiked a portion of it and saw 11 bears. How MANY bears did you see?

Edit I don't understand any of these references, I feel like Captain America like, um, before he googled.

NothappyJane333 karma

I actually did an advice animal about this the other day, but my husband was at the park with my daughter and the old lady witnesses were there using peoples politeness and children as a way to open up conversations to talk about religion.

Anyway, they asked my 4 year old she knew who Jesus was, she said no, so they said he rises from the dead to get god to forgive our sins, so she exclaims excitedly, like she was clever enough to know what they were talking about "Jesus is a zombie!!!!"..they were not impressed and gave her a bible book to give me, because you know, us motherfuckers need Jesus. Pretty sure she thought they were talking about something from minecraft Mod.

NothappyJane74 karma

I think anyone who has grown up in a religious household where the expectation is no sex before marriage plus a bunch of other behavioural expectations and then gets to a point where they are an adult, they have completely different feelings about that can relate to that sentiment. People shouldn't be held fast to the decisions they make before they are completely independent of their parents.

NothappyJane52 karma

It's hard to rape and pillage when all the women are giving it out like hotcakes.

NothappyJane21 karma

Bajos mannerisms crack me up. I think one of the most enjoyable aspects is that we like you both, for your personalities. Its hard to be liked just for being who you are inside.