Highest Rated Comments

Not_So_Funny_Meow138 karma

I would like to wish you luck in the days to come, as I seem to deal with crises much the same as you -- very calm and logical in the moment, and then it sinks in later. Sometimes though the later is what gets me, and depending on the magnitude of the event, I can sometimes have a breakdown in the next day/week/etc.

You've been through a big one. As simply a fellow human being, thank you for what you have done and for the assistance you rendered. However, please don't be afraid to talk to someone or ask for help if the scale of what happened hits you in the near future. It may not be easy, and my heart goes out to you as well as to everyone who was involved, whether by choice or proxy.

Not_So_Funny_Meow38 karma

What are the top 3 things, in your opinion, that could be changed about our prison systems for the better?

Not_So_Funny_Meow2 karma

I agree wholeheartedly with ending the war on drugs... but pending further elaboration, I'm gonna have to at least initially disagree with you on the other two -- granted, I'm doing so from the outside perspective.

Follow-up questions if you're interested:

Rather than reducing the healthcare inmates have access to, would it not be better to simply grant better access to healthcare to everyone? I don't see how there is any benefit to the prison system at large by limiting access to inmate healthcare.

Your suggestion of reducing luxuries leads me ask -- do you subscribe to a punishment-based or rehabilitation-based approach to corrections?