Highest Rated Comments

NonchalantDog75 karma

Prepared. Prepared enough to say I'm a girl. :')

NonchalantDog36 karma

My form of muscular dystrophy affects mainly my skeletal muscles- the ones used for movement. My organs and all typically involuntary muscles work fine.

NonchalantDog30 karma

I'm doing okay these days. I don't have friends like I did when I was younger, and at a time when my peers are getting more independence (driving, dating, college on their own), I seem to be doing the opposite- so it sucks. But I deal with it. I'm never one to try to make others feel sorry for me. At least not on purpose.

NonchalantDog26 karma

I have a muscle weakening disease. Nothing is wrong with my sense of touch.

I don't exercise. I'm physically too weak to really do much. Also, recently, they've been doing research on my condition and turns out the more I use my muscles the faster I lose them! Of course they're still doing research but as of now I'm not doing much. I used to stretch and hold small weights when I was younger.

NonchalantDog14 karma

Yeah, I don't look forward to turning 18. Besides going to a summer camp for kids with muscular dystrophy every year, there aren't any groups I am in. There are a few parent groups for the type of MD I have but (obviously) I'm not a parent. Groups are scarce for teens with disabilities like mines.

I applaud you for doing home health.. it's a task.

There are many adaptive equipment blogs on the internet- however the costs are a massive problem. It's an incredibly small market that has an incredibly large demand and because of that people sell things for ridiculous prices. I once saw a wheelchair attachment for chalk so kids in wheelchair could use chalk... for over $1,000. What a joke. I don't have any favorite blogs but http://adaptivemall.com is one that rolls into mind. (Pun intended.)