Highest Rated Comments

NoleLife12 karma

It looks great! My only concern would be that not using paint meant for cars and the appropriate hardeners will mean the paint will scratch / peel much more easily from impacts with objects in the air during normal driving. However, given the leisurely time spent and low cost and the massive improvement on the looks I would definitely say the benefits far outweigh the cons. Great job man!

NoleLife8 karma

To expand on what /u/randxalthor said, it's also complicated by any needs for changes or rewrites part way through filming. If the production crew realize while filming on the final/third continent that a plot point doesn't work, or conflicts with part of the story, and requires a change to scenes on continent one, then it gets expensive to go back. So it was likely a lot of front-loaded time in reviewing the story, and story boarding the scenes for filming to make sure everything lines up and they don't have to go back