Highest Rated Comments

NoYoureACatLady92 karma

I think you may be overestimating the coverage that policy provides, honestly. True coverage is 5 times that, especially if you bought it at 47+ years of age. Edited.

NoYoureACatLady23 karma

No, you're a cat lady, for reals.

I love my cats. More than I'm comfortable admitting.

But $25k to clone them? I will just continue to adopt more when I lose the ones I have now. No need to clone. I don't get it, Especially at that cost.

NoYoureACatLady4 karma

How young are you? That story isn't so old for it to stopped them from having vaccinated you as an infant, right? How are you old enough to do this yourself now?

NoYoureACatLady3 karma

What do you think is the most effective tool/treatment for getting troubled kids on the straight and narrow?


What absolutely DOESN'T work?

Do you think the criminal justice system is fair to kids?

Do you see the system being less fair to certain groups (minorities, LGBT, etc)?

NoYoureACatLady2 karma

Ken, HUGE fan, have been a follower of yours on Twitter for years.

What's the BEST THING and the WORST THING that your Jeopardy experience and fame has brought into your life?