Highest Rated Comments

NoBoobs_NoProblem523 karma

My mom really hates kinda anything involving my sexuality, and to her smaller = better, especially in that sense, I'm sorry that you're getting downvoted, you're pretty right.

NoBoobs_NoProblem473 karma

I was having major back/shoulder pain that dated back to 9th grade. Not only that but I would break out in a rash underneath my breasts (and in between) frequently. It also really affected exercising, I used to be really active but anything that required a lot of moving/bouncing (like running) would not only hurt my breasts themselves, but my back too, and I often would have to stop working out in the middle because I couldn't handle it.

NoBoobs_NoProblem468 karma

Thank you! My mom actually wanted me to go down to an A (which I didn't want) and I told my dr I wanted to be around a C (in sister sizes I'm a 34C) I feel I'm very proportional and just a teeny bit above, so it doesn't have as many negative impacts on my health, I like having my breasts this size (I liked them large too but they just hurt too much) and I feel I would definitely miss them if I went even smaller.

NoBoobs_NoProblem252 karma

Me too! I actually wouldn't have been able to afford it without insurance because it'd be around 10,000, but with insurance I only paid a little over a grand. I'm SO happy I did it, the scars kinda scare me right now, but even if they stayed like this, I would do it all over again.

NoBoobs_NoProblem229 karma

Well, one (right side so left on the picture) has the same amount of sensitivity, and felt the same from the day of surgery. However my left side I have noticed is significantly less sensitive, also I've noticed its scarred a bit more, so I'm hoping it goes back to normal once its full healed (I've heard it can take up to a year but you usually get most sensitivity back).