Highest Rated Comments

No-Coast-Punk192 karma

I lack the requisite equipment to have periods, but I worked alongside some pretty tough ladies in the military. They all swore by those things when we were working in locations with no resources.

No-Coast-Punk117 karma

He embodies everything wrong with the current Republican party. Wrap an evil motherfucker in some jesus and big words with a touch of xenophobia. Subtract any basis in reality. Add a sense of entitlement because he's some rich kid who worked hard to get where he's at.

Fuck that guy.

No-Coast-Punk31 karma

(male) Navy SAPR victims advocate here.

I've had to deal with a few female cases. Haven't had to deal with a male case yet.

Do you have any advice for dealing with a male case vs. a female case?

No-Coast-Punk22 karma

What kind of water savings can be seen using a drought resistant grass vs. a more traditional lawn?

No-Coast-Punk13 karma

Have you done much reading on the economy in Star Citizen?

If not, swing by /r/starcitizen and get caught up.

If they follow through (and thus far, all indicators point to this happening) it should be a more vibrant economy than EVE.
