Highest Rated Comments

Nirvana985228 karma

Sounds like Dota

Nirvana985189 karma

Tagged as MLP's Reddit Husband...you lucky son of a bitch.

Nirvana9856 karma

Hey Neil, can you tell me what it was like to work with Zach Braff?

I'm sorry, I had to

Nirvana9853 karma

My brother has very severe OCD and despite many different medications and lots of (VERY EXPENSIVE) trips to top psychologists, he doesn't seem to be getting any better. Although you seem to have been courageous enough to take this giant step forward and accept this kind of help, I don't think this is an option my brother would take. What can I do as someone on the outside to try and help my brother move forward? Because currently he just sits on his laptop all day and despite seeming happy, I can't help but think he must be concerned for his future as I am.

I use the word courageous to describe you here and I don't use it lightly, but having suffered through severe anxiety of my own and watching my brother's OCD develop, it is really the only word that can describe overcoming the terror of being oppressed by your own mind, so I really applaud you and wish you the best.

Nirvana9852 karma

Burnout 3's soundtrack was the absolute best! Rock 'n Roll racing was also amazing. You chose well, sir.