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NiceSubs1 karma

I think I may have sleep apnea (my dad also had it), but I don't know how to find out for sure without committing to an expensive sleep study. I would be really grateful if you could maybe help me figure out if I have it with some questions.

1.) How did you first know for sure you had sleep apnea rather than something else? In other words A.) did you notice any specific physical symptoms other than sleeping a lot/tiredness B.) what exactly they ask/do as part of your diagnosis?

2.) I even videotaped myself to try to see if anything was going on with me...would your apnea be something you could actually visually see (eg. could someone in the room see you physically struggling while attempting to sleep/breathe, or if someone saw you would everything have looked normal/calm, just you weren't breathing as much?

3.) Were there any sleep positions that made it any better or worse? (I feel like I can't breathe at all on my back, but somehow I can breathe on my stomach, and it really affects my sleep)

4.) The classic symptoms I hear for apnea are waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air, or being able to fall asleep at a moment's notice (eg. at the wheel of the car). Did these happen to you with your 'central' apnea? I don't really wake up grasping for air so I'm wondering if that's necessary to the definition.

5.) Is it true that only people above average weight or with beer bellies get sleep apnea? That applies to me so just wondering for you

6.) Lastly, what impact did you feel it had on your every day life, again other than extra sleep? Like did you feel it impacted social situations, your daily cognitive function, mood, depression, anything else?

Thanks for any you can answer!!!