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NicNic88 karma

Why do you believe higher ed has a role in mental health?

Why shouldn’t a university focus on teaching and let the medical system treat?

If it is higher Ed’s responsibility to address mental health, why isn’t it the post office’s, the grocery store’s, or all other institutions?

NicNic85 karma

I commend you for your actions. Having said that, I wonder if it's a wasted effort. As long as the government has the ability to make laws and programs in secret, even if you win this lawsuit, can't they just create new secret programs outside of the law?

If they were to do so, we must rely on whistleblowers that are willing to become martyrs; meanwhile they are stepping up prosecutions and surveillance against possible whistleblowers. My impression is that without personal accountability, there will not be an end to these unconstitutional actions. For example, if James Clapper were prosecuted for lying to congress, that would give future NSA directors pause before lying in the future.

Do you disagree? What is the result you are hoping to achieve with your lawsuit?

NicNic82 karma

What is their success rate? How often do their scams work? Do you know how many dollars per hour they make (on average)?

NicNic81 karma

The film was heavily biased against law enforcement. It made the compound look like innocent people that were railroaded by blood hungry law enforcers. For example, in the first episode, it shows a law enforcement officer shooting a woman in the face and it shows law enforcement officers storming the compound with Karesh screaming "There are women and children in here!" It doesn't describe how the compound had been purchasing equipment to alter their firearms into automatic weapons.

Your thoughts on this? Did you see this bias coming during the filming? Did you address this with your consulting? How?

NicNic81 karma

Given that the health systems in many parts of the country are underwhelmed, and given that the number of people exposed to the disease is the same whether or not we flatten the curve, why are you suggesting that people wear masks? What is your objective?