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News6WKMG21 karma

HA! I get that kind of question often. But the truth is we have ALLLLLLL kinds of crazy weather here in Florida. Example, last night we had frost, last week record heat, the week before that a tornado warning. So looking outside every 15 minutes would NOT help forecast all that stuff. Not to mention hurricane season. Back in the day, before better forecasting, people were often caught off guard by hurricanes. Never again!

News6WKMG8 karma

Funny you should ask. I do focus on Climate Change and plan to do more in the future. My station, especially my News Director, has my back on this topic. We are doing more and more every day. We have a new focus called Forecasting Change that deals with our issues here in Florida. Stay tuned!!!

News6WKMG7 karma

I do not get nervous...I do get wired hot if my graphics fail..or if I forget something. But that is not from a fear of the camera. In the studio there are only a handful of people around. So its mostly a group of people I know and love and want me to do well. Not much to get nervous about.

News6WKMG7 karma

True dat. Now the problem is more of so many putting Bad Weather information out that I battle the false reports...you know, like sharks swimming down streets, that is my new problem.

News6WKMG6 karma

LOVE him!!! I used to watch Tom way back when I started in this business. His command of graphics has always been SO impressive. I have never met him...but let's be honest, EVERYONE has been influenced by Tom Skilling.