Highest Rated Comments

NeverNo11 karma

"A study performed by physicist William Shockley for the staff of Secretary of War Henry Stimson estimated that the invasion of Japan would cost 1.7-4 million American casualties, including 400,000-800,000 fatalities, and five to ten million Japanese deaths. These fatality estimates were of course, in addition to those who had already perished during four long years of war; American deaths were already about 292,000."


Edit: Important to note, 1.7-5 million American casualties, didn't mention anything about other allies that would have been involved.

NeverNo9 karma

Thanks for being humane and kind to your animals. I've seen too many slaughterhouse videos that make me lose faith in people.

NeverNo3 karma

There's a difference between giving animals medication to ensure they're healthy and purposefully abusing them.