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NerdSync5 karma

I am not the writers (obviously), but I have been using WriterDuet for little projects and love it. Just wanted to say thanks.

NerdSync3 karma

If I were a unicorn, what would my favorite kind of bread be?

NerdSync2 karma

Are there any plans to make Captain America turn into a werewolf like in the Man and Wolf story arc? I just know that's what the fans are screaming for. CAP-WOLF!!!

NerdSync1 karma

I've been hearing a lot about some Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. things affecting/being affected by Cap 2. Is there anything you can tell us about that?

NerdSync1 karma

The Winter Soldier is a well-known character to some and a new face for others. What was your plan for tackling the secrecy behind his identity. Did you want to just come out and say it from the get go or keep it a mystery to be revealed in a twist moment in the movie? Hope that makes as much sense as it did in my head.