Highest Rated Comments

NephilimXXXX19 karma

I wish we had more stats on how much abuse comes from which types of accounts

There were some studies done a while back:

Twitter abuse - '50% of misogynistic tweets from women' - BBC News

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36380247

NephilimXXXX17 karma

I'm an extrovert and I've been intensely unhappy dating introverts.


I've been with my introverted husband for nine years. We've decided just recently that separation is probably the best course of action

I'm so baffled. You hated dating introverts, then you married one, were together for 9 years, and now you're getting separated? I'm confused how you even got to the point of marrying and staying together for 9 years of you were "intensely unhappy" dating introverts.

NephilimXXXX10 karma

Maybe that only shows that the desire for an open relationship is a problem, not the "actual having an open relationship".