Highest Rated Comments

NeedAGoodUsername2 karma

I would also like to know this. I have quite a few ideas what could make the project better. Although it's a shame I live quite far away from where any offices would be located.

NeedAGoodUsername2 karma

What has been the worst CV/resume you've ever seen?

NeedAGoodUsername2 karma

NeedAGoodUsername1 karma

I'm a /r/Videos mod, you reached out to /r/bitcoin but didn't reach out to us, why?

Edit, additionally, why have you not told the admins either of this, either before or after so they can at least stop this kind of thing too.

NeedAGoodUsername1 karma

How does someone get involve in contributing to the Google Crisis services? I've got ideas what could benefit more users and changing some things but I've not found anywhere to speak to someone about these ideas without the idea being stolen (I may just be paranoid.)