Highest Rated Comments

Necrolifter18 karma

As a mortician who regularly deals with SCI and knows about them, I HATE them. They charge $10,000+ for what could be a $5000 funeral, and so forth. A lot of them make their funeral directing positions commission based, or even dictate work hours based on how much you can upsell items and other services to a grieving family. In my opinion, SCI takes advantage of grief. The CEO, I believe, literally called themself a cash cow. They upsell, push embalming where it isn't necessary or shouldn't even be done, and take advantage of families from what I've witnessed. I refuse to work for an SCI run funeral home and will only work for family run businesses now. Sure, the pay is good. I personally refuse to sell anything to a grieving family that they wouldn't otherwise be interested in or need.

Necrolifter2 karma

Is your hair length due to your condition or do you choose to rock short hair? You're so pretty by the way! Makeup on point, girly!

Necrolifter2 karma

Transport technician is pretty universal. I'm a mortician in a large city as well and this is what we call unlicensed transporters who aren't morticians, or students becoming morticians. :)

Necrolifter1 karma

SCI is international. Unfortunately, even if I don't work FOR them, I still have to work WITH them. There are still well meaning funeral directors and embalmers that work for them, but I do consider those with high reputations among SCI to be of slightly lower moral standards. SCI basically comes in and buys family owned funeral homes but doesn't change the name so people dont know they are SCI. On the other side, I've worked with some wonderful family funeral homes, as well as ones that are just as bad. The main thing to consider, unfortunately, is that anyone going to school for this is reminded that while we offer services to assist grieving, we are still a business. It's important to assess your options and shop around. Also listen for keys words such as "law" vs "policy." Funeral homes tend to use them to push sales. For instance, it may be "policy" to require embalming to have visitation and an open casket funeral, but it isn't "legally" required to be embalmed in most states. Idk, I both love and hate the industry.