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Nazeex48 karma

I know I might get downvoted into oblivion for this, but there is a (rather wide) gap between desire to preserve a sense of ones culture, and white supremacy.

Nazeex40 karma

Hi Oli, I'll try to keep it brief:

  1. What do you think of people 'in the alt-right' who are not white?

  2. Where does national pride and patriotism become malevolent? Is it morally wrong to want to preserve current societal culture?

  3. Do you believe we should be allowed to criticise elements of other cultures and religions, and where do you think this dialogue can or should take place if so?

Nazeex3 karma

Thanks for thoughtful answers, I would posit these responses:

  1. I *personally* think you have entered into belief that alt-right is a by-default whites only group, and from what I have seen from the youtube circle that call themselves the alt-right, there's a striking amount that aren't white (The Hodge Twins, Another Black Guy, for example) who seem to align themselves that way because they believe in the conservative values. I have also heard the alt-right say that they are modern centrists or even center-left leaning, and only call themselves 'alt-right' because their views are called 'right-wing' in comparison to modern hyper-left views which seem to be popular at the moment. As somebody who watches a lot of debate across youtube, I can't help but feel you might have missed the mark on what the alt-right is, or at least I haven't gone down the rabbit hole far enough to think it's just Tommy and his edgelord goons.
  2. I like the idea that culture is liquid, and I agree that it is. It's not hard to see generational culture shifts. I would only suggest that perhaps in hindsight it's easier to see what elements were bad, and we should probably try to do a better job in the present to be more well rounded in our ideas (for example, the horrible things we did to ethnic peoples or LGBT people even last century should have been avoidable by simply.. being nicer people). Perhaps we need more effort on much wider acceptance and attempt at understanding people who have different ideas about life, and only aim to dissuade intolerance of any ideology that isn't very clearly violent in intent (e.g. sharia law).
  3. I think rational debate and discussion needs to happen at the forefront of culture because right now it feels like any modern societal debate topic rapidly becomes an echo chamber or shit-slinging contest of who is the nazi, who is the hippy, etc etc, and it ends up nowhere.

Nazeex3 karma

If you have nothing of actual material to add can you not post motivational poster bullshit?

This isn't tumblr. This is real life empirical science with potentially thousands or millions of lives on the line.

I am all for hyperloop assuming Musk knows wtf he is doing, but I would not risk that money and those lives unless I knew all arguments for and against had been worked to their finest details and somebody with a bit more caliber than a reddit commentor had worked extensively, repeatedly, to ensure it is safe. TF may have been wrong - either way I am sure some engineers went over their stuff or pondered this and that, which is always an excellent thing.

Nazeex0 karma

Since when was the alt-right a coordinated cult with officialised entry and exit?