Highest Rated Comments

NakedTonyDanza437 karma

Especially because the Delorean in his example traveled into the past. You'll never make time detective at this rate.

NakedTonyDanza115 karma

What, if you "win" it installs AOL?

NakedTonyDanza82 karma

That doesn't explain why they're shitty tippers.

NakedTonyDanza34 karma

A few people are downvoting this response. Here are the laws regarding homosexuality in Oman:

Homosexuality in the Sultanate of Oman is illegal according to ยง 32 of the penal code and can be punished with a jail sentence of up to 3 years

NakedTonyDanza25 karma

On a case we had (defending a black guy), during the jury selection period there were three black people out of 18 prospective jurors. Guess which three people the prosecution removed?

To be fair, we removed the three rednecks. One of them was pretty pissed about it.