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MuseWatchmaker5 karma

When I was a kid (something like 6-7 years old), I played games on my dad's Commodore 64 hooked up to a black-and-white television. One of the games we had was something called the Adventure Construction Set; it was a simple sprite-based RPG toolkit, including a couple of sample adventures and a bunch of tools and sprites (generic rooms, monsters, etc) from which you could assemble your own. I tried to make something based off my (shaky, in retrospect) knowledge of Greek mythology. It didn't get very far, but that was my first attempt at game design. I don't even know what made me make that first attempt any more; maybe it was as simple as having the tools in front of me, and picking them up with a child's boundless curiosity.

That was over twenty years ago. This medium has been a part of me for that long, and that whole time I've either been playing around in someone else's invented world or inventing my own, in one way or another. There's really nothing else I would be happy doing.

MuseWatchmaker4 karma

That's weird, and definitely not intentional. The field of view does change slightly between first and third person, so I would guess you found some kind of edge case in our camera/fog math.

MuseWatchmaker4 karma

It is much easier to start developing for PC than to start developing for a game console. As you grow in team size and project scope, consoles start to offer some advantages. And if you can get over the barrier to entry for a console, it's a lot easier to actually sell your game, if for no other reason than there is less competition.

Developing for a console requires negotiating a huge chunk of bureaucracy, and convincing the console-maker that you can be trusted with their stamp of approval (from both a development and a business perspective). It also simply costs more money, in terms of purchasing dev kits and licenses. The advantage you gain is the consistent hardware - supporting your game post-release is much easier, because you know you've tested it on every kind of hardware it can run on (there's only the one). Of course, you're also restricted by the hardware (particularly at a time like right now, when PC tech has had many years to advance beyond the current console generation). For example, the GPUs in the XBox 360 and PS3 are chump change by the standard of recent Nvidia or AMD cards; there are things you simply can't do, and others that are much more restricted in terms of scope or complexity.

Getting started with PC (or mobile) development is much easier: find the tools (your engine, programming language, or whatever) and go. Note that you need to do this for consoles, as well, and many (most?) console games start their life running on commodity hardware in early stages of development. Varying PC hardware is a mixed blessing: you're less restricted, and the top-of-the-line stuff advances much faster, but support and maintenance becomes a lot more complicated, because people will be trying to run your game on hardware other than what you developed it for, which produces assorted bugs and performance considerations you'll need to deal with somehow.

MuseWatchmaker2 karma

The same market stall also has a really good lemon-ginger scone.

MuseWatchmaker1 karma

No, I can think of a few worse ones.