Highest Rated Comments

Murder_Boners4617 karma

Yeah like how would that come up?

"My lease is almost up. Might go with a Honda this time. I don't know. There's a lot of options."

"Right? Speaking of options I have two vaginas."

Murder_Boners10 karma

I suspect it was a question to troll because you took issue with a stranger on the internet bringing up something you don't like is attached to your political ideology of choice.

Because you have, Jesus Christ, 559 posts in The Donald? God damn, you're a cultist.

Murder_Boners9 karma

Is it fair to say that Odinism was specifically created or at least promoted as a means to inject religious fanaticsm into the increasingly violent right wing, white nationalism push that seems to be the backbone of groups like the alt-right?

Murder_Boners7 karma

The Alt-Right did when they aligned themselves with nazis and racists.

Murder_Boners5 karma

Wicca is about nature and energy and communing with the spirits of the land to become part of something natural and greater. Its about not doing harm and knowing that all actions have consequences so you want to spread positivity.