Highest Rated Comments

MtnMaiden157 karma

"I'm a mercenary, you ain't got a prayer, you owe me!"

MtnMaiden78 karma

Turtles are exempt

MtnMaiden48 karma

Please, make it Vault 69

MtnMaiden31 karma

Have you thought of creating a Youtube channel for additional revenue?

Do some time lapse videos of a creation. Or tips/tricks on creating a piece.

Just something to create additional revenue.

MtnMaiden20 karma

Not tax lawyer here, but anything you do for your business you can deduct.

Mileage to and from, new laws make you document mileage every day, no more willy nilly guessing numbers.

Since you bought a domain, can do that.

Even the accounting help for your business tax prep can be deducted.