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Mtdew14893663 karma

Should I be worried when there is only one internet provider in my area, regardless of who it is?

Mtdew148933 karma

My little sister has TS and has a hard time at school. Her entire fifth grade was spent in the councilors office because the teacher couldn't handle the vocal ticks.

Every person and their dog has come to us with medical advice and we've learned about enough pyramid schemes to last a life time.

She is deathly afraid of weed. She turned 14 this summer and is a member of a very conservative church and feels like anything that has to do with Marijuana is the devil.

I have heard so many success stories about people like you using it to great effect. But she wouldn't even go near hemp oil because it is derived from the same plant.

I want to see her succeed but the drugs they give her now just wear her out and do nothing about the violently loud and exhausting ticks.

Is there any advice you could give us to help her see the benefits? Any advice you would give her?

Mtdew14892 karma

There has to be some form of vocal tic though, or else it is just a tic disorder.