Highest Rated Comments

Mrs_Fonebone19 karma

How much honey do you get on average from a hive--or per comb? Are you set up where they mainly get clover or can more randomly fly about? What's their favorite pollen?

Mrs_Fonebone13 karma

They are industrious! I don't think I've ever encountered blueberry honey--it sounds delicious.

You have a fascinating line of work!

Mrs_Fonebone4 karma

We've watched all your episodes. The one thing that is more admirable than your work with the cats is how you manage not to go off on some of the morons--I use that term advisedly--who are so clueless, indifferent, and negative. I know you do your work for the cats' sakes, but what a tough job. Have you ever just snapped?

Keep up the good work!

Mrs_Fonebone3 karma

So what are the goals of your activism? What changes would you like to see, and which ones do you think are possible?

Mrs_Fonebone2 karma

Obama's not at home. As usual. Do you really think he is going to make a decision, given how many times he has refused to do so?

It seems he is going to wait until after the elections--which shows where his true priorities are. How can that mind-set be overcome?

But kudos to you for making such a visible stance for what you believe in to make yourselves heard to the rest of us.