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MrsShaunaPaul907 karma

Great advice for any career. You don't just become an expert beet farmer overnight. It takes years.

MrsShaunaPaul184 karma

Would you say that tv or radio should be played for people who are in a coma or pseudo coma just in case they can hear? I’ve often wondered this.

MrsShaunaPaul18 karma

I remember when my nana was waking less and less towards the end of her life and the doctors and nurses all spoke to her like she was awake and fully understood what they were saying. That stuck with me and I do the same thing with my kids from birth (“we’re going to change your bum. Here comes a wipe! All done cleaning, now a new diaper and you’re good to go!”). Was there anything that doctors or nurses did or said when they didn’t know you could hear them that you appreciated most?

MrsShaunaPaul4 karma

Doctors or nurses sexually relieved you? No judgement, just genuine curiosity!