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Mr_Fasion82 karma

Honestly it's not hard to live on your own if the financial aspects are covered. I can make a meal and do the chores. The toughest part is forcing yourself to do those chores.

After my mom passed away i moved in with my aunt and uncle with my two brothers. I take the bus home from school to my house, and then have my aunt pick me at about 8:45 every night. I just chill at home, invite friends, watch netflix, and play video games.

I almost ready feel to live on my own despite being only 16. From here, I just need to learn to cook better meals, manage my time better, and learn about bills, basic house repair (in case something breaks, and just all round financial stuff.

Mr_Fasion63 karma

Sub 18 here. Just wanted to know what V permutation you use

Here's the one I use (and hate):

R' U R' d' R' F' R2 U' R' U R' F R F

For you non cubers: the letters are short for side twists. R is right, L is left U is upper, D is lower, F is front, B is back, lower case means you turn 2 layers, and ' means you turn the side counter clockwise instead of clockwise.

Also are you subscribed to /R/cubers?

Mr_Fasion31 karma

Zhanchis are still good but no longer recommended as the best cube anymore. There are many high quality cubes being produced now a days such as the Weilong GTS and YueXiao, but I personally recommend the Thunderclap

Mr_Fasion16 karma

i bet you were weilong-er than she thought you would be

Mr_Fasion14 karma

Ah okay, I'll keep looking for a good V perm then haha