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MrUnknown2 karma

Same here. Even eye exams where they tell me to focus on something I need to tell them I can't do it with both eyes. lol.

I always just hope something like this will happen: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120719-awoken-from-a-2d-world

It's amazing what our brains can deal with, though

MrUnknown2 karma

Hey there!

I have a similar issue, but never diagnosed or anything like you have done, but my right eye goes off to the right slightly. My left eye is my dominant one and what I normally look at stuff with.

Mine is slight enough that most people don't notice it unless I point it out and sometimes my head decides that it should be normal, and this causes me a huge headache because my head isn't used to seeing things "normal."

Have you ever attempted to watch a 3D movie? How'd that go? Usually ends with a headache for me.