Highest Rated Comments

MrMedicated4 karma

Thank you I take that as a compliment.

I really respect NugRun and companies like them that are actively trying to further our knowledge as a community and move away from a psudo-science-y mind-state. I believes it helps us move to a purely scientific one that is based on actual data.

Keep up the awesome work over there!

MrMedicated3 karma

I've heard whispers of Sweet leaf trying to get the system they currently offer to be able to pass all permit requirements. Have you heard anything about this?

MrMedicated2 karma

thank you for the informative response, and once again thanks for taking the time to do this AMA.

MrMedicated1 karma

Above all my questions below id like this answered the most, what was the process like getting your legitimate business license to produce concentrates?

What is the ideal purging time on heat in a vacuum in your opinion. some say 6 hours some say 200+

Also, whats your opinion on the recent "nugrunconcentrates" study linked here http://www.medicaljane.com/2014/05/01/cannabis-concentrates-experiment-the-effects-of-whipping-by-nugrun-concentrates/

Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA