Highest Rated Comments

MrMcDougle3 karma

We got a never-ending fantasy-trend here(at least thats my perception).

I don´t like fantasy-worlds which only feature elfs, dwarfs and magicians... at least give them a gun, something cool to wear and some ghouls to crush! :D

Seriously though: Shadowrun is what I was always looking for. A game-world that made fantasy FUN (instead of old and repititivly boring).

I love the aspect, that everything is(or seems) possible!

MrMcDougle1 karma

Thanks for this chance you grant us! Direct fan-approach is something I appreciate alot, Jordan. MISSION EDITOR: -will it allow to include legwork? -feature dialogue? -allow to create multiple solutions for a scenario(choosing different nsc/factions or even going all pacifist) -will it allow to create unique NSCs for the the runs? -will it allow to create campaigns? -will we be able to download and upload “run-files” freely? (placing them in a folder in the root game folder) -will we thus be able to rate and comment runs / campaigns? To tag them(“canon”; “fun”; “Hard”;”Kittens”)? MODDING: -will you keep the files in a format which could be modded/replaced easily? -will the files be encrypted?