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MrMashFace1 karma

I grew up in a similar situation and was homeless as well from the age of 6 to around 8 on and off; homeless meaning it was anywhere from a homeless shelter to pandering behind a gas station for food and went through foster care when I was older.

I was bullied alot through my earlier years for being homeless and being in the situation I was in, kids would beat me up or ridicule me in class for asking for a pencil throughout most of elementary school, and I was wondering if you ever had to deal with it and to what extent?

Did you ever feel hopeless or feel as if you have the odds stacked against you during your teenage/early adult years? It seems to be something I struggle with alot now that I am completely on my own.

Another question I have is more oriented towards college and not towards your situation overall; I was kicked out a week after I turned 18 and was homeless for a while (right before my graduation) and when you went to college what was the hardest part about it? I have no support financially and little to no support emotionally and family wise, and was wondering if that was difficult to deal with during your undergraduate?

Sorry for the broad questions, they have been on my mind for a while and there aren't many people I can ask or talk to about it. Also, it's nice to see some people can go through shitty situations that I went through as well and still come out on top as it gives me hope for my future rather than having to stress about me being another statistic of a foster child not graduating college or being able to get out of the cycle I was raised in. So thank you for that.