Highest Rated Comments

MrF33186 karma

Thank you so much for doing this AMA! To quote Hank Hill from King of the Hill, you are the greatest American Hero ever born, in Canada.

For the questions,

How different would your expeditions go if you didn't actually have to film yourself?

It always seems as though you have to do a lot more sitting and camping because of how difficult it is for you to actually move around.

Would you, under more "normal" circumstances still be spending as much time in one location or would you cover more ground in an effort to get...un-lost?

Also, how do you feel about the Maple Leafs performance this year? Think they're going to make it into the playoffs?

MrF33179 karma

Do you think that, when everyone is back on their feet, you'll give up farming and return to a more 9-5 job?

MrF3367 karma

Outside of the editorials which are obviously opinionated and inflammatory, do you think that the actual news reporting content of FNC is particularly biased, sensationalist, or as accurate as any other news outlet?

MrF3312 karma

Better education requires better funding and more stable home lives for students.

Killing one of the largest industries in the state can't be helpful

MrF336 karma

How do you feel about the dilemma of the allowing environmentally unfriendly industrialization of parts of Africa such as Nigeria and Kenya but in doing so greatly increasing the standards of life for the persons living in those nations. Similar to what has happened in China?

Similarly, do you feel that UN climate policy should also be allowed to dictate international trade in an effort to curtail this kind of circumvention of environmental restrictions imposed on the current large economies?