Highest Rated Comments

MrChivalrious142 karma

In those moments of silence, where does your memory go to in life?

MrChivalrious3 karma

As always, two sides to every coin.

One hand, immediate impact and benefit to one person's life. Other, national, continental, and even global betterment.

One hand, proposal +concept note writing, networking, bureaucratic bs, monitoring and evaluation. Other, actual project implementation, data collection, report writing, dissemination.

One hand, nepotism, corruption, appeasement (here's looking at you UN). Other, bravery, exceptionalism, and true f'in passion.

It'll get fixed mate....just not yet.

On a personal note, thanks for the IAMA. I get all giddy when I see aid/developmental workers and ex-pats on reddit.

MrChivalrious2 karma

Just wondering how you came to be a journalist and if you have any advice as how to stay objective and observational when personal upbringing might, culturally speaking, make you think otherwise?

MrChivalrious2 karma

I want to answer this with an interesting report I'm looking through. Despite the major differences between Uganda (East Africa) and Liberia (West Africa) I think it gives a good delineation of justice as it is culturally perceived in Africa as a whole (i.e. where as in the west there is one person who is wrong and one who is right, here it is transformative and more communal). Looking for Justice: Liberian Experiences with and Perceptions of Local Justice Options

Edit: I work in Liberia

MrChivalrious1 karma

How old...if I may ask?