Highest Rated Comments

MouthJob294 karma

So... Porn? You're talking about porn, aren't you?

MouthJob44 karma

You don't have to be rich to take art classes my dude.

MouthJob11 karma

What are the ground rules all potential clients should know before the transaction takes place? As in, what to do, what not to do, etc.

MouthJob11 karma

There are clear social trends in what's deemed to be attractive overall. There are times where it's in to be shaved and times where it's in to rock a full on bush for example. Just go back and look at some old Hustlers and stuff like that. Things fall into and out of style when it comes to what's "sexy" just as much as any fashion trend.

MouthJob8 karma

How did you end up in this line of work? Was it by choice or lack of a better option?

No disrespect intended, by the way. I respect what you do. Just curious.