Highest Rated Comments

MooseTetrino26 karma

I'll just get it out of the way:

What on earth triggered this in the first place way back in 07?


Have you got to the point where you're quietly wondering what is happening and why so many people throw money at you?

Probably the two questions that'll be asked most.

As an aside, thanks for this. Been watching myself since the first and an LRR fan since the end of Season 1/start of Season 2. Love you guys and everyone involved with DB. Thank you!

MooseTetrino3 karma

Hey folks, just wish to say that I'm looking forward to the release of Rebirth and I hope it all goes well. I'm a proud owner of the original copy of X: Beyond the Frontier on my shelf and I am eagerly awaiting what's coming.

MooseTetrino1 karma

Skin is incredibly strong against tearing forces. Got to love the human body for that. =)

Was the driver prosecuted? Really good to read that you (mostly) recovered!

MooseTetrino1 karma

Have you considered Bandcamp for distribution as well?

MooseTetrino1 karma

I know how uh, forceful some of these industries can be. Have you lot suffered any veiled "promises" from the workplace bosses? Hopefully not!