Highest Rated Comments

Moonsilvery7 karma

Very lucky. I was denied because I could sit up unassisted for fifteen minutes.

Moonsilvery2 karma

MMORPG player and former progression raider here! I know when I was raiding, it helped me quite a bit in terms of learning group organization skills and leadership - skills that I used successfully in the workplace and at home. But prog raiding always comes with its own issues - frustration at mechanics failures, squabbling over loot, "Healers Adjust" egotism, "git gud"-style feedback without assistance in the actual gitting of the gud.

How would you attempt to replicate the euphoria and camaraderie of completing a difficult raid (puzzle?) together without the negative emotions involved?

How would you get players to realize that the raid's only solvable if they all work together and appreciate the efforts of others?

And finally, how will you do this with tolerance for disability built in? I had to stop raiding because of an autoimmune disease that affected my fingers, but I miss that joy of a hard obstacle being conquered with friends.

Moonsilvery2 karma

Fair enough! I guess the better question would be, "How do you incentivize people to not be total assholes to each other when difficulties arise in a group project?"