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MonsteraDeli19 karma

It is problematic when someone is unreflected and wildly projecting their own problems on others. That happens with other therapists, too though, who'd not qualify for a diagnosis. Not every therapist is a good one, mentally ill or not.

Even before diagnosis though, people have to develop coping strategies (hopefully healthy ones) to make it through university, get a degree and go to work. That's life experience you can use as tools at work.

First heal then help would be perfect. But at first your reality is "normal", often it takes studying and working with others to realize that something actually isn't quite right. At least by then it should be easier to access a good therapy for the problem.

MonsteraDeli14 karma

Former drug addicts make great addiction therapists. They know ALL the tricks, and how difficult it can be to get out of the mess. They're also a good example that it's possible to get out. "What do you know, you have no idea what I'm going through" doesn't work with them.

MonsteraDeli13 karma

No worries. So far there have been no confirmed cases of people getting infect just by surface contamination. There's an odd cluster in a mall, where people didn't actually meet face to face, but even that is well... ingestion/inhalation of fresh snot and not dried virus particles in the freezer.

Just because viruses can be detected on a surface doesn't mean there are still enough of them on there to get you infected (one virus doesn't get you ill), or that they're in a functioning state.

MonsteraDeli13 karma

Reminds me of "billerbong". A toddler's word for Schmetterling.

Is there an explanation how kids come up with such words?

MonsteraDeli12 karma

The antidepressants really are very variable. Both depressive and bipolar disorders are heterogeneous groups, most likely a whole bunch of different causes making for somewhat similar symptoms. If you're misdiagnosed as depressive at first (and many who don't show very obvious mania are), the attempts to find a working antidepressant can get really frustrating. Most simply don't do anything for a bipolar brain (one way to get a hint that this is not depression).

Mood stabilizers do just that and should be relatively predictable, but you have to wait a while to see whether they help.

Depression is better known, taught extensively in med school, has good guidelines to follow, while bipolar is still seen as something rare and exotic, and thus widely ignored/underdiagnosed. Both my psych and I missed mine for a decade, embarrassing, in hindsight is was SO obvious.