Highest Rated Comments

MonkeyStealsPeach1670 karma

It'd be funny for them just to have a segment of them trying to drive back into the White House, only for the guard to say "I'm afraid I can't let you do that sir" and have it be a reverse of the previous bit.

MonkeyStealsPeach2 karma

What do you think is the biggest issue that the NFLPA faces today? Thanks for doing this AMA!

MonkeyStealsPeach2 karma

What do I do if I want to learn more about blockchain technology and make a future career out of it?

MonkeyStealsPeach1 karma

Do you feel that players are taking more of an proactive interest in their mental health nowadays than in the past? I know it's a tough choice between short-term job security and long-term health, but it seems that there's a lot more awareness on that front nowadays in general.