Highest Rated Comments

Moleculor2341 karma

Nuclear power is dirty, dangerous, expensive and obsolete.

And yet coal, oil, and natural gas are these things in far greater degree.

Hell, coal alone causes more exposure to radioactivity than nuclear does, and that's not even the worst feature of coal.

If we're ever to get away from dirty forms of energy (coal, oil, etc), we'll need to step in to something cleaner. We don't have the time to wait 50 years for fusion to work, if it ever will, because our planet is dying now.

Solar, wind, geothermal, or other forms of renewable energy all have reasons they don't work currently in every area of the country. Either the resource isn't available, or the technology isn't, etc.

Even Elon Musk says that switching the nation over to solar and electric power will result in a tripling of our electrical production needs, and only a third of that can come from home solar installations. The utilities need to provide the other two thirds, which means they need to double output.

How do you double electrical power output while abandoning coal? Well, it can't be done with time-sensitive power like solar or wind, or locationally dependent power like geothermal or hydroelectric.

So we're left with a choice:

Do we continue to use coal and kill our planet?

Or do we switch to a cleaner option that can be used regardless of the availability of geothermal vents, time of day, etc?

Nuclear is the only 'gateway' option we have to carry us forward until we can get fusion working.

For someone who's part of a party named "Green", you seem quite resistant to the cleaner realistic power options.

I sincerely recommend you watch Switch.

Moleculor178 karma


How wide is the Zee, from Avid Horizon to Adam's Way? (also, from London to the Eastern Edge near Irem?)

the exact width of the longest night's sleep imaginable; and the distance between the sky and the horizon. Alternatively, 6x6 cells on a spreadsheet.

Will we ever get to explore beyond the High Gate / into the Elder Continent in Sunless Sea, possibly in a DLC?


How is the zubmarine expansion going to work? Any details? (I realize it's still heavily in-dev)

Too big and frightening a question.

Will we see more guest writers in post-release updates?

Possibly. We like our current stable of freelancers a lot, we've trained and tamed and learned from them. We are also on the brink of hiring another full-timer.

How is the update schedule looking past gold master? Will we see the same intermittent weekly updates that characterized Early Access, or will you move towards a "bigger updates less often" model?

It really depends on how well it sells. But we have two updates scheduled this month at least.

Any plans for shipyards in other ports than London (and to a lesser extent, Venderbight)? I would love to sport a Khanate or Republic ship.

This is a 'maybe in Zubmariner' thing

Is the Mt. Nomad not spawning bug fixed in release? (Please...)

We don't think it's a bug so much as extreme ill luck for a few people, but we have two things coming to make it easier.

What was the rationale behind making some locations rotate and stay static? (Irem and Kingeater's Castle come to mind)

Irem and KC have a very specific role in the lore that makes that essential.

Moleculor143 karma

A popular bumper among masons is 2B1ASK1.

That explains that WoW Guild I saw a while back.

Moleculor91 karma

Starflight 1

I SERIOUSLY just deleted a question asking if you had played Starflight 1. It was the first game I ever played, still my absolute favorite game of all time. (Yes, better that DF, sorry. :P)

I'm glad someone else remembers the randomized lifeforms. Ah, memories.

Moleculor9 karma

Is there any plan for if a meteor comes out of the sky and turns your house into a crater with you in it? Some sort've "back-up open sourcing" plan for Dwarf Fortress so that it's not lost, or anything?

What's the first game you remember playing, and/or remember enjoying?