Highest Rated Comments

Modus_Pwnen40 karma

I agree. Plus it's just rudeness and poor etiquette to ask that many questions all at once. I think the trailer park boys addressed it best. If you can't ask a succinct question, then youre not going to get an answer. I would like to see it answered too, but I doubt it will.

Modus_Pwnen21 karma

What you don't realize is your daughter was a once in a lifetime savant and already understood what electricity is. She merely sought your approval as her father by means of you giving her a respectable answer. When you answered her, you patronized her. Immediately dashing any hopes and dreams she had of being the world's most prominent physicist. Her accolades had already far succeeded yours, but they are meaningless without your love and approval.

She then went to her room and deconstructed her completely efficient hadron collider where she had been colliding protons for months. Built out of barbie parts, playdough, crayons, elmer's glue, and determination...tears rolled down her face as she took it apart...piece by piece. It had gone unnoticed in her room for months because you had always held her in intellectual contempt due to your hubris. It was on that day she vowed she would never attempt to push her acumen again, for the pain was too deep. She knew her heart would just grow colder and more jaded as the years went on.

Flashing forward 20 years. The DJ announces "And next up the beautiful young lady in the lab coat comes all the way from /u/ichbineindonut 's home town.She is here to jolt your hearts and make waveguides out of your weenies. Please welcome....Elektra!"

She takes a dollar from an older gentleman that looks like you and shoves it into her g-string. It almost feels like approval.

Modus_Pwnen9 karma

Anyone blindly upvoting /u/D64015 should fact check him and not just enjoy negativity so much. I didn't even finish counting but he has answered at least 50 questions. You have to take into account many people ask multiple questions per post. /u/D64015 is a scumbag for spreading lies, but the bigger villains are the ones who support his misinformation.

Modus_Pwnen6 karma

Who taught you math? Were you lacking in this area or did your parents teach you? Were there some courses they hired a tutor for?

Edit: used the wrong "there" up their....

Modus_Pwnen2 karma

That's awful. I would hope that they would find this as price gouging. Although I'm sure the oil industry is deep inside the local government's pockets.