Highest Rated Comments

Mnniska6 karma

Hello! Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Rex's work. I've been ridicolously inspired by your stuff and after five years of LBP my style have molded into some sort of kid verision of yours. It's weird and I love it. Also, hi Spaff! <3 Questions..

How do you guys decide what to make? From the outside it looks like Sony isn't really making you create anything in particular which should allow for some nice creativity. But when you're out of limitations, how do you decide what to do? In a way it seems like you put limits on yourself by making everything paper in Tearaway, which in turn allowed for some wonderfully wacky ideas to bloom.

I loved the connection between the player and Atoi/Iota in Tearaway. What idea came first, the paper or the 4th wall breaking? Were you set on creating this connection between player and character, and then discovered that paper would fit nicely, or was paper there from the beginning, with the idea of connecting player and character coming later?

Last question; what are you guys doing next? Here's hoping you're somehow going to follow up on the clay simulator showed on E3 :D

Mnniska1 karma

Wow! Thanks so much man, makes me happy to know people enjoy my stuff! :')