Highest Rated Comments

MisterSixfold8 karma

and the amount of pressure they are under, the odd hours and the fact that they still need to study (a lot) in their private time basically leaves no room for a social life, to cook healthy food everyday or go to the gym.

It's work, eat, study, sleep repeat.

MisterSixfold5 karma

It is completely normal for you to need a referral to see a specialist. There are a lot of people that are hypochondriac. If they could just go see a specialist every time they thought something was wrong with their heart, kidneys, liver, head, eyes, skin etc healthcare costs would be massive. A specialist in my country (in Europe) has an hourly rate about 4 times higher than a primary care doctor, so having a primary care doctor filter through the patients and hand out proper referrals when necessary actually saves money.

MisterSixfold5 karma

What do you mean by tweak? Less or more sodium?